Edit an Assignment
Start Date
If you have already created an assignment but the start date/time has not yet passed, you can edit the start date/time. To do so, navigate to the Classrooms section of SpanishDictionary.com, click on the class you want, click on the ellipsis to the right of the assignment that you want to modify, and then select "Edit assignment".
A box will pop up that allows you to modify the start date, due date, or assign the assignment immediately (Assign now).
If you select "Assign now", the box will change to reflect that choice but still allow you to modify the due date/time. If you change anything in this editing box, be sure to click "Save changes" when you're finished.
Due Date
Once an assignment's start date has passed, you will no longer have the option to edit the start date. However, you can edit the due date. To do so, open the class you want, click on the ellipsis to the right of the assignment you want to edit, and click "Edit assignment".
A box will pop up where you can modify the due date/time. Click "Save changes" when you're finished. Students will then see the updated due date in their assignments section of SpanishDictionary.com and in Google Classroom (if applicable).
Once the due date passes, students can still submit an assignment but it will be marked "late". If you edit the due date after the original one passes and set the new due date for a time in the future, then students' assignments will no longer appear as "late".
Quiz Format
Vocabulary assignments give you the option of selecting either multiple choice or open input (typing) for the quiz format. Once a start date passes, you will no longer be able to edit the quiz format. But if the start date has not yet passed, you can click on the ellipsis to the right of a vocabulary assignment, select "Edit assignment", change the quiz format, and click "Save changes".