Connect the Website to the App for Premium Access

Thanks for supporting with a Premium subscription! If you use both the website and our app (for iPhone/iPad or Android device), you can enjoy ad-free use on both platforms. In order to do so, you will need to be logged in with the account you used when purchasing your Premium subscription.

If you are using the website, you do not need to leave the app open after logging into the app. Similarly, if you use the app, you don't need to keep the website open after logging in.

To sign into an account in the iOS app (iPhone/iPad) or Android app, tap on the profile circle in the top-left corner.

Then tap on "Sign In" in the menu that appears and follow the steps to sign into your account.

To log into an account on the website, navigate to the site and click "Sign in" in the top-right corner. Follow the steps to sign in.

Remember, log in with your Premium account information on whatever platform(s) you're using to enjoy all your Premium benefits!