Unsubscribe From Emails

By Opening an Email

If you would like to stop receiving emails from SpanishDictionary.com, you can open one of the emails you received, scroll to the very bottom of the page, and click the word "Unsubscribe". 

Please note that if you click "Unsubscribe" in a Word of the Day email from SpanishDictionary.com, you will only be unsubscribed from the Word of the Day emails. You will still receive occasional informational emails from SpanishDictionary.com. Similarly, if you click "Unsubscribe" in an informational email from SpanishDictionary.com, you will not be unsubscribed from the Word of the Day emails. If you would like to unsubscribe from all emails, please see the instructions below.

From Your Account Settings

You can also turn off emails in your SpanishDictionary.com profile settings:

On a computer:

Log into your SpanishDictionary.com account, click on the profile circle in the top right corner of the page, and then select "Settings".

On the website on a mobile device:

Click on the menu in the top right corner, make sure you're logged into your account, and then tap on the gear icon.

In the iOS app:

Tap on your profile circle in the top left corner, sign in if necessary, and then tap "Settings".

On the Settings page, tap on "Manage Account".

In the Android app:

The Android app does not yet have a link to your SpanishDictionary.com account settings. You would need to open the website in a web browser on your Android device to unsubscribe.

Once you're on the Settings page, scroll down to the "Email Notifications" section and uncheck the boxes for the emails you no longer want to receive.

Your preferences will be saved, and you will no longer receive those emails.


If you decide that you would like to subscribe again at any point in the future, you can log into your account, go to the Settings page, and check the box for the emails that you want to receive. If you resubscribe to the Word of the Day emails but don't start receiving them within a couple of days after resubscribing, please contact us at support@spanishdict.com for further assistance.